Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene...

The Jersey Shore has been evacuated. Acmes are shutting down for the storm. The anticipation of Irene's arrival is unnerving. My area along the Hudson River is expected to be hit hard but I'm fortunately on high ground so flooding is not a concern. Hoping the shore, and our favorite grocery store chain, is spared of any sever damage. Wishing you all a safe weekend!


  1. I hope that everybody was spared from too much damage from Hurrican Irene.

    Regrettably, the Centennial A&P in Morristown received quite a bit of damage from the storm. (I go into detail about this in its own thread right here on this wonderful blog.) I sure wish that all other classic supermarkets did not suffer to much damage.

  2. I imagine that most acmes are safe, except the abandoned paulsboro acme
