Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Secaucus Acme: Sign

The Former Acme in Secaucus NJ, Part 1 of 3

The Acme in Secauscus New Jersey closed on September 30, 2004. I was able to make a couple trips there while the store was in it's final days. These pictures were taken for my own collection long before this blog was ever dreamed up.

Here's the giant Acme sign on the corner of Flanagan Way and Humboldt Street on a crystal clear day...

The back side long gone...

The sign on a cloudy day with a better perspective on how huge the sign was...

The new tenant should come as no surprise...


  1. It always has to be CVS! Good thing we've still got a good number of Acmes in South Jersey. Gotta get back to the Clayton one and take more pics sometime. I'll post them on my Flickr account.

  2. Hey Thare Use to be an Acme in sparta I am only 9 years old so I Never saw Acme In Bisness of corse It is Now CVS Pharmacy Thare was A Grand union And An A&P Oh one last thing my Mom use to work at A&P.

  3. I used to work at the old Sparta Acme. Oh, the memories. Yet another Acme to CVS conversion. I hope you feature this former store in a future post.

  4. I'm planning to feature the Sparta Acme sometime in the future. I'm holding out for now, hoping to get my hands on a picture of the store when it was an Acme.
