Monday, October 26, 2009

News Break:
"Can former checkout girl Judy Spires keep Acme relevant in the age of Whole Foods and Walmart Supercenters?"

Click here to check out a teaser for this article. I am trying to obtain the issue to pass on some of the information provided. The first two paragraphs online are just some fluff with Judy greeting Acme customers. Not sure if Judy actually answers the question asked in the headline. Judging from past interviews, she will likely talk more about herself than the challenges that currently face Acme. The timing of this article is a bit suspect with Acme's current situation of plummeting market share, rumors of mass store closings and SuperValu's possible desire to unload the company.

UPDATE 10.31.09: Looks like this article was in the September issue which of course is long gone. Looked through the October issue and there was nothing on Judy. Anyone have the September issue? Please write in if you do and let us know if she has ANY plans for Acme's survival.


  1. Acme needs a good leader that will get competitive and make the improvements necessary to bring Acme back to prominence. For one, they should come up with a major sale event to lure customers back in. I think they're on the right track with the actual stores themselves - competition and pricing seems to be the issue here.

  2. Now, it is good to know that Judy Spires cares about the company, as I have just read in another article online. She just needs to come up with a game plan to fend off Wal-Mart, Shop Rite, Giant, and even places like Whole Foods. Take the same ideals that these stores employ and make them better. Acme is a great chain with a rich heritage, and I want to see them stay strong. Like I said, they're on the right track when it comes to the actual stores themselves, but they should work on innovating and getting more competitive on pricing and sales.

  3. She is the problem She was a mediocre Store Manager,a poor D.M. and she surounds herself with yes men and women.Grocery specialist that do not know groceries, meat specialists that never cut meat are all part of her rein of terror. Fire store managers and demote department heads by the truck load.Morale is as low as its ever been. SIMPLY PUT NO MORE SLOGANS ! JUST A NEW MANAGEMENT TEAM TTHAT HAS A CLUE ON HOW TO RUN A SUPERMARKET WILL DO
