Thursday, October 5, 2017

News coverage of St. Michaels closing

Image courtesy of WBOC

WBOC16 "Delmarva's News Leader" posted coverage the closing of the St. Michaels Acme on their website. A video is inclused with interviews of local reaction. Unfortunately the coding they provide for embedding videos is not workiung with blogger. Please click here to view the video. 

Thanks to Steven W. for sending in the link! 


  1. While its a shame the store is closing and people will be out of work, the same gloom and doom predictions came along with the Secaucus store closing. Although that store closed because of a greedy prop owner; it was a centrally located store that was the ONLY supermarket without having to df4rive outside of the town center. Fortunately Secaucus survived the Acme's passing, I am sure St Michaels will eventually as well.

    1. Actually Secaucus closed when Acme opened their new Clifton store a few miles up the road at Bloomfield and Rt 3. The plan was to close Secaucus and the old Clifton store at Grove St and Rt 3.
      Maybe Secaucus could have stayed for a while longer, but it wouldn't have helped the new Clifton store sales.

  2. I just don't understand the logic. If people want a store to be successful and stay in the area why do they not shop there and then complain about its closing. The store did not do enough business to make a profit and I was told by employees there that they were very slow.

  3. No body is loosing a job,they only have a handful There is a Large Acme ten minutes away in Easton.Acme has recently opened stores in Rehoboth,I can City and Salisbury that they can transfer to. There are also sores in Chesterton, Centreville, Smyrna, Dover and Middletown as well as Elkton that they can also transfer to.

    1. A lot of those stores are pretty far from St. Michaels. For instance, Elkton is 75 miles each way. Aside from managers, who is going to drive that distance?

  4. Well, by looking at the TV spot and all the "concerned" residents and politicians of St. Michael's, where did they do their weekly shopping? Obviously they weren't saying "Meet Me At The Acme" for quite some time. When they are forced to drive greater distances to Walmart or Grauls, and find all their prices have popped up 5% to 10% then they'll know concern.
