Thursday, December 1, 2016

Another New Acme Coming Soon >>>

News Break: 

Former Shoprite Snyder Plaza

Acme is taking over the former space abandoned by ShopRite in Snyder Plaza in South Philly (pictured above) after that store moved to the fomer Pathmark in Whitman Plaza. Opening is set for next Summer. You can check out more details at by clicking here. Thanks to Marv for being first with the news!

Update 12.2.16: The Snyder Plaza Acme will include a Starbucks! 


  1. Acme? Taking over a Shoprite? It's getting cool in here... Must be that cold breeze coming from hell...

  2. Thanks for using my photo lol

    I was told Acme was taking a good hard look at this spot and it was all but official, and now here it is! Sooner than I thought too

    From what I was told the Shoprite was making roughly a million a week at this location. They moved because of issues with the building, particularly the floor. Work has been underway for the past week or so to correct these defects.

    Since I live right nearby I should be able to provide frequent updates....

  3. This is how the store appeared back on the 20th:

  4. This should be a really good location, being next to the Target and all. Has there been any word on the future of the nearby closed SuperFresh?

    1. Last I heard Homegoods was interested, but that was months ago.

      I don't see any supermarket wanting to open there. Besides competing with a grocery-equipped Walmart across the way, the location is lousy in relation to the neighborhood-one of those "so close yet so far" situations.

      Columbus Blvd. (six lanes with occasionally active train tracks) is both a physical and psychological barrier to cross. People will cross it for "destinations" like Walmart and Old Navy, but not to go food shopping when there is another location that is more accessible despite being only a short distance between the two....

  5. I wonder how Acme is going to reconfigure the store. It has an awkward footprint since ShopRite expanded into the corner space about 10 years ago or so creating an “L” shaped store with a stubby appendage.

    1. I would guess the Frosted Mug section will be in the "appendage" and the starbucks as well.

      As Shoprite, you entered on the left and exited on the right. The layout was a "clockwise" one with produce bakery etc on the left side (Acme 10th and Reed is similar).

      What I'm assuming (since the articles mentioned a reconfigured entrance) the layout will be flipped to the more popular "counterclockwise" plan. (A bit of trivia: this layout is preferred because a majority of people are right handed.)

    2. I prefer clockwise stores in my opinion. More familiar with them.

  6. I have never gone counterclockwise in any store and I have never been with anyone who does even though I have pretty much only shopped with right handed people and I am rough handed myself.

  7. Was this built as a ShopRite, or another brand? Sure seems that way...

    1. Good question - unless someone actually knows the area specifically it may be hard(er) to tell since ShopRite doesn't have the "standard" designs that many chains do, being most are franchisees and build stores as they wish to.

  8. Opened as Shoprite November 1988 I was told....
