Friday, July 24, 2015

Sea Isle City Acme to be replaced?

Location: 6212 Landis Ave, Sea Isle City, NJ

An anonymous comment came in this morning saying the Sea Isle City Acme will be torn down this fall and replaced with a larger store. After a quick Google search, I did find an article on that mentions the plans to replace this classic store. Here's an excerpt...

It looks like the Sea Isle Acme which may the smallest supermarket in the world, is going to be torn down after the summer of 2015 and replaced with a new larger Acme. Several Acme employees have said that the new store will run the full length of the shopping center and be raise several feet in order to comply with building codes and avoid flooding. The others stores in the shopping center may be relocated to the side of the current parking lot behind the CVS.

No official word to be found at this time but I'll keep my eyes pealed for some. I would think Acme would be advertising the news like they did with the Beach Haven store last summer if this plan was a sure thing. To view coverage of one of Acme's oldest stores, please click here.


  1. Sad as it is to see it go, its way past its time.

    1. yes, it is... but at the same time it's good because someone can get the corner deli sign from the store (OOPS!)

  2. I know that this is going to spark a debate because we're talking about a very classic Acme store (and I will agree that the loss will be a sad one) but as I said to a friend as we discussed the recent turn of events and Acme's position in the market, it is absolutely shameful that the company still operates a location like this. Sea Isle City isn't a little town in the middle of nowhere, it's a popular seaside vacation spot. I'm sure a replacement has depended on the ownership of the strip mall allowing Acme to build bigger and force the reconfiguration of other businesses but I fail to see why the company hasn't at least put some money into making this store look better over the years.

    1. I would imagine the threat of flooding has kept them from wanting to invest too much money in the place.

    2. That's possible- in which case, raising the foundation of the new building would make sense.

  3. I think it's true. My aunt, who has a house 2 blocks from the Acme, said everyone's talking about this expansion. I'll email you with a more detailed description of where she said the new store will be.

  4. That CVS is about 20 years old now with no drive-thru; I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to find a bigger location somewhere else as well (which isn't easy to do in shore towns).

  5. My guess is that the Bank of America which shares the parking lot and has been closed for several years (only the ATM inside operates) is going to be torn down to help with the parking issue they currently have. I have been going to Sea Isle for years and I only go to this Acme to pickup a few items as its always crazy busy and the parking lot is awful. For my bulk of shopping I travel to the Swainton store. It will be sad to see this classic store go but that area is ready for a massive overall.

  6. I think it would be cool if things like the Corner Deli sign were salvaged and put to use in the new store.

  7. A quick search of the sea Isle city zoning board documents on their websites shows at a recent meeting plan for the shopping center rebuidling was scheduled to be discussed. "Zoning Board July 6th Agenda"

  8. Believe it or not, the Devon PA Acme still has the early 80's corner deli sign

  9. Aw, man! This is one of my favorite Acmes. It's the last one left with 70s Colonial department signage, and one of only two left with Checkerboard Arch department signage (well, as of 2013, at least - has the Middlesex store been remodeled since then?).

    1. One you walk in during the summer season you lose all respect for the historical value of the building. People who shop there don't want to, they're forced to.

  10. So who's gonna get the sign from the deli?


    1. This is perhaps one of the most poorly-written articles I have ever come across. The state of journalism has reached an all-time low- who cares how "boring" the meeting was? Personal opinions and commentary have no place in a piece that's supposed to present the facts.

      Anyway, nice to see this project is moving forward. The old store is only 9k square feet? That sounds a bit small- maybe it's just the sales floor? The new store sounds like it's going to be small as well, but probably a lot more suited to the expectations of a modern grocery store. The current strip mall is a hideous sight so I don't see why people are complaining about this (although the loss of the arcade does bother me- seashore towns need to hold on to things like that).

    2. The arcade just needs to find a new location. It's not hard. There are plenty of open store fronts down in Sea Isle

    3. I'm honestly confused that people would complain about a newer, bigger grocery store. Two of three businesses that are being displaced are moving to a brand new building on the property. The arcade can probably find a new location pretty easily. There is some concern about the store selling beach items, but that just means that the other store will have to step up their game some.

      What other stores are in the area that people are shopping at instead? One of the people interviewed said Acme's prices are too high. Guess they've been missing out on all the great pricing Acme has been doing since they divorced SuperValu.

  12. has a photo of the new acme plans

  13. Today the 14th is the last day for the Sea Isle Acme.

  14. pics of acme being emptied

  15. It is closed as of September 14th. It will be torn down and replaced with a larger store. The other business' will be rebuilt elsewhere in the shopping center.

  16. Here is a brief article with pictures that show the newly demolished Sea Isle Acme. Gotta make room for the new, modern one, as on LBI!

    1. For being an old 50s Acme, it had a great run.
