Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer Schedule

Beginning this week, Acme Style will be operating on a summer schedule. For the next two months, posts will generally go up on Fridays only. Much of the activity here will depend on the weather. The nicer it is out, the less time I will be spending in front of this computer. I do have a ton of inventory that needs to go up so I will be preparing posts when time permits. Regardless how things go this summer, be prepared for a very busy Fall season on Acme Style! Regular posting will resume on September 9th. Please be advised that there will be no additional posts this week. Have a fun 4th of July, everyone!


  1. Where is the July Discussion for Off-Topic?

  2. Hey, Acme Style, Wasnt There Supposed To Be A Post Yesterday? You Said Beginning This Week.

    1. I also said "Please be advised that there will be no additional posts this week."

    2. Oh...... I'm A Fast Reader, Sorry!
