Friday, July 26, 2013

Beach Haven Acme — Open For Business!

Photos courtesy of Michael Lisicky

The Beach Haven Acme, heavily damaged from Sandy, reopened on March 22nd. Thanks to Michael for providing us a look at the repaired store. It doesn't look much different than before the storm. All the shelving and cases have been replaced but the Alberstons Marketplace Decor remains. Pictures of the store completely cleared out appeared on the blog at the end of last year. You can jump to those pictures by clicking here. (Scroll down below the Sea Isle City pictures)

Here's what Michael had to say about the store...

"The store reopened at the end of March, after 5 months of rebuilding following Hurricane Sandy. However customer traffic remains slow, even in the middle of summer. The store enjoyed a strong 4th of July week but sales have once again slowed down. This is typical throughout hard-hit Long Beach Island. The front section of the Acme received the most damage and had to be "rebuilt", even though it looks almost as it did last year. Every piece of flooring and shelving has been replaced. Reports say that there was between two to four feet of water in the front section of the store. It was initially assumed that this rebuilding process was going to be a temporary fix since the company had been proceeding with plans for a replacement store to be located next door. Those plans seem to be tabled for now. Hopefully business at the Acme and LBI will continue to grow as the shore continues to rebuild. Right now it's mostly wait and see."

New, colorful banners hanging along the front-end. Very similar to the ones Albertsons had hanging in stores back in the early 2000's. You can take a look at those in the abandoned West Chester store by clicking  here.

The checkouts have been replaced. Brand-new numbered lights in place too! You can see these in the new Bryn Mawr store as well.

Whew... the original doors remain in place!

To the person who sent in pictures of Sea Isle City... I discovered this week that I apparently deleted the email and had not filed the pictures that you sent in. Could you please resend them? I will post them the minute they arrive!


  1. Just a note: This post is tagged Sea Isle City, not Beach Haven.

  2. Also, the newer PF&H aisle markers have been installed, replacing the Albertson's/Jewel-style markers.

    1. Well it's hard to know for sure when they were put up. You can see them in this shot taken back when the storm damage was getting cleaned out...

  3. That's pretty amazing that they kept the original door handle!

  4. The section on the right of the Beach Haven Acme that looks like an add-on and where produce is now located was a liquor store. I lived in Ship Bottom during the winter of '91-'92, grew up just across the bridge on the mainland. I was 19 at the time and I was able to get served in that liquor store without getting carded, that's how I remember it. Not sure how long it was there or what was there before hand, but at least for that winter it was a liquor store.

  5. Acme Style, +Thomas the Bible Believer (formerly Nintendo85) It Is Pretty Amazing That They Kept The Door Handle. But All Of Thats Going To Be Demolished In The Expanding.
