Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Big news for today...
Acme Style's 4th Anniversary!

Big news for tomorrow... SuperValu's earnings are scheduled to be announced. Probably won't be much good news there. More store closings may be coming. With the exception of last year, Acme has been announcing closings in January for the past several years. Keep your eyes pealed too for a long awaited deal between Cerebus Capital Management and SuperValu. Word is they have worked out a buyout agreement for portions of the company. Doubtful that troubled chains such as Acme and Shaw's will be a part of the buyout. They will likely remain with SuperValu but could possibly benefit from the influx of cash made from the buyout. More news to hopefully come tomorrow.

Back to Acme Style... the first store post of the year will be going up next Friday, January 18th. Decided to take a long holiday break which is causing the delay. There may be some posts between now and then depending on the news that comes out this week. I also have an update going up in a few days about a non-Acme location covered last year on the blog. All emails sent in over the past few weeks will be answered by week's end!


  1. Congrats to Acme Style 4th Anniversary. I also can't wait to see about the non Acme stop too. Thank you for making this website possible

  2. I've been told that the Acme division (or chain... whatever you want to call it) does quite well, so it makes sense it would be part of a deal with Cerberus.

  3. Congratulations on 4 years of great photos and information!
