News Break:

Demolition Party in Newtown!
The time has finally come... the old beloved (by Acme fans, scorned by local residents) Newtown Acme will finally be torn down to make way for new retail and residential space. Things get underway on Saturday, September 22 at 10 am with a good ol' demolition party! As much as I would love to attend, I must send my regrets. If anyone can get some pictures for us, I would love to post them. See the links below for reports of the demolition, pictures of the store today and renderings for what's to come. To visit the abandoned store here on the blog, please click here. It's an Acme Style favorite!
And check this out...
There's another article on the Bucks Local News site titled "Memories of Newtown: Acme store on Sycamore Street was once the hub of the community". Definitely worth a read but you MUST see the photo of the store in it's early day! Click here for the article and click here to see the picture super-sized! Check out the Acme sign... the parcel pick-up sign... the "Completely Air Conditioned" banner... photos like that don't come along everyday!
The classic picture in the article confirms what I had suspected in the original post... an addition was, in fact, made to the store. The newer section has a slightly higher roofline which you can see below. Very small addition, that is. Couldn't have been more than an extra aisle. The entrance and exit were also moved from the side to the front of the store. Thrilled to have confirmation about this!

That picture is really great! What a throwback to the 50s! It seems like retail had so much more style and class back then than it does today.