Tuesday, December 27, 2011

 100,000 Now Served at Acme Style!!

Thanks for helping Acme Style
reach this momentous millstone!


  1. Awesome!! Love this site!!

  2. Congratulations -- looking forward to seeing you reach a quarter of a million!

  3. Congratulations!!!! Thank you for brightening my days through reliving my childhood in New Jersey :) I can't wait to see what else you have in store for your blog!!!

  4. It's great to know that so many people are interested in Acme history...great job on the site, from a loyal reader since the beginning!

  5. I remember going to local Acme near Metchen,NJ as a kid. The Acme opened maybe around 1956-57 and closed in early 1991. It then was gutted and became a Walgreen's. I wish I had a picture of it. It was never remodel on the outside. But probably in the Late 70s or early 80s it was slight remodel. A&P moved behind Acme in the Early 70s. Slowly taking their sales away eventually struggled to stay afloat. Anyway you should check that former Acme out for youself! I give more Info if you need it!
