Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Break:

SuperValu quarterly results: The news isn't good. You can read more about the company's latest earnings here.

Changes at Acme Headquarters: This article from "Food Trade News" came out last September and goes into some detail about the about changes at Acme Headquarters when Dan Sanders stepped in as the new CEO. While the news is dated at this point, it's interesting to see the author's take on the challenges that Sanders is facing.

The Rise and Fall of Penn Fruit: And the role Acme played in the chains demise... makes for an incredibly fascinating read. The article is over at Groceteria.com. It's probably been over there for years but it's new to me, thanks to an Acme Style reader who sent in the link. I went over to the article just to scan if for it's interesting points and found myself completely engrossed in the story of the vicious price wars of the early 70's. Acme Markets came out the winner while other chains faded away. Too bad Acme doesn't have the same fighting spirit today.

A note about Historic Aerials: The folks at HistoricAerials.com have revamped their service and web site which has unfortunately rendered all previously posted thumbnails at Acme Style completely useless. No longer can you click on the thumbnail and be taken to a larger version of the image at the HistoricAerial website. Going forward, I will be posting screen grabs of the old aerial images which will now contain a distracting watermark of the website's name. On the positve side, these images will now appear larger on future posts than the previously posted thumbnails. If you wish to investigate the images more closely, you can visit historicaerials.com and enter the address of the store in the upper left-hand corner of the map.

Help Wanted: Is there anyone down near the Millville who would be able to get us some pictures of the Acme? I will not be able to make it down there before the store closes and it's the only closing on the list that, as of now, that will not have full representation on the blog. My request for assistance with the Fallston store has brought in tremendous results and a full post will be done on that store in the very near future.

Welcome NEW Acme Style visitors! Since last Wednesday, visitor counts on the blog have been DOUBLE their normal amounts every single day! Lots of emails coming in too from people who have just discovered the blog in the past week. Hope you enjoy Acme Style and in the immortal words of Alan Hamel... tell a friend!


  1. I live near Millville, but I'm afraid I can't take photos due to my current lack of a working camera.

    All I have is a shot of the exterior, which I believe I linked to on the ''six stores closing'' announcement you post.

  2. Thanks Nintendo85. I will use your pic if no one else can get us full coverage. Does the store have the "Albertsons Marketplace" decor? I assume it does, but would like to get confirmation.

  3. When are they closing? I go down to Millville to visit relatives sometime, and might be able to.

  4. They're closing at the end of February. May happen a little earlier depending on how fast they sell off the inventory once the closing sales begin.

  5. dose anyone still have any faith in acme or the union anymore?
