Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays from Acme Style!

It's Christmastime at Acme... 1987! Another classic commercial courtesy of the ClassicRetailAds Channel on YouTube. To see more Acme commercials and other classics, click here. And if you haven't already done so, better order your party platter from the Corner Deli!

This will be the last post of 2010. I've decided to make the 100th post of the year... the very last. Hey, that's up 20 posts from 2009! Plans are already in full swing for our 2011 adventures. We'll be seeing a little less of New Jersey and much more of Pennsylvania. And thanks to some new contributors to Acme Style, we'll be seeing more Maryland and Delaware locations as well.

As the year winds down to a close, don't forget to check out the exciting Acme Style Directory for an overview of all the blog's contents from the past 2 years. It's the most convenient way to track down your favorite Acme Markets, past and present.

Acme Style will kickoff it's 3rd big year in business on Friday,
January 7, 2011. Until then, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. Thank-you for all the hard work and professionalism that you put into this site! I've had so much fun anticipating each new posting and going back to review old postings since I discovered the site in August. It brings back many joyful memories as I go back in time and research useful facts of doubtful interest, including the recent research that I've done on the Company's founding families. I look forward to seeing the stores and stories that you will share with us in 2011. Have a Merry Christmas and we look forward to a Happy New Year of Acme experiences.

  2. Thanks so much Bill! I really appreciate all the added history and insight you have brought to the blog.

  3. I love me some Acme Style! Thanks for your hard work keeping all this history alive
