It's official... the Rockaway Acme is now an abandoned Acme. The place has been cleared out. It's sad to see the empty shell of the once unstoppable Rockaway store.
The original entrance can be seen where holes were left from the old railings. The original exit looks to be exactly where the new entrance/exit was located.
You can see remnents of the 80's checkerboard floor where the registers were located.
The old Meat Department back wall from the 70's Colonial decor days. This store opened in the early 80's but did have the Colonial Decor as well as the fish-eye logo on the front. The meat cases were single tiered about waist high. There was an aisle running behind them so employees could restock the cases from behind and offer customer service. I've pointed out this old back wall in many abandoned stores... mostly because I love it! The walls were not painted over during the 80's remodels... just covered over with the mulit-tiered meat cases that were installed.
And this marks the end of the Rockaway Acme posts. We'll have to see if anything moves into the space. It's doubtful for now as most of the strip is deserted.