The Newton store closed one year ago today. To see pictures of this store when it was still open, click here. A new tenant has yet to be found. Although Acme's business had been declining over the years, the store's closing was due more to the landlord raising the rent far above market value.
A look at the store when it was still open... the day may have been grey but the Acme was still seeing green...

Opened in October 1957. Standard 8 aisle store but at 19,000 it was slightly larger than Acmes built in the late 50's.

This addition was put on during the 80's remodel when the Produce alcove was created inside. Prior to that Produce lined aisle 1. Most Acmes of this size and era received Produce alcoves during the 70's remodels.

Not sure what the original purpose of this door was back when the store first opened. It would have lead into the store's office. After the 80's remodel, it would have lead into the newly added in-store Bakery.

The entrance and exit doors were here prior to the 80's. They were moved to the front of the store during the remodel.

Full service Seafood was added next to the Deli in the 80's. Removed from nearly all 80's remodels in the 90's.

I believe the section with all white tiles was where an additional register was located. The 80's "CSR" stand and store safe were located at this end of the registers, practically IN the Produce Department. The CSR stands were a dreadful, misguided replacement of the traditional Customer Service Office. Took Acme many years to come to it's senses and eliminate them. The store safe was also moved off of the sales floor to a more guarded location.

Opened in October 1957. Standard 8 aisle store but at 19,000 it was slightly larger than Acmes built in the late 50's.

This addition was put on during the 80's remodel when the Produce alcove was created inside. Prior to that Produce lined aisle 1. Most Acmes of this size and era received Produce alcoves during the 70's remodels.
This store appears to have been a bit ahead of it's time... Acme's of this era rarely had docks at the back of the store. Back doors tended to be at ground level making the receiving process pretty difficult.

Freezer space was added onto the store during the 80's remodel. I believe this was done to increase the size of the back room. It's doesn't appear that the sales floor was made larger from the relocation of the back room freezer. Dairy may have also been stored in these units.

Freezer space was added onto the store during the 80's remodel. I believe this was done to increase the size of the back room. It's doesn't appear that the sales floor was made larger from the relocation of the back room freezer. Dairy may have also been stored in these units.

Not sure what the original purpose of this door was back when the store first opened. It would have lead into the store's office. After the 80's remodel, it would have lead into the newly added in-store Bakery.
UPDATE 2.27.10: This door was where the bread was delivered to in the early morning hours before the store opened. Truck drivers had access to this small room but could not access the sales floor. Much like how things were done on the Produce receiving side.

The entrance and exit doors were here prior to the 80's. They were moved to the front of the store during the remodel.
The old school floor mats activated the doors... no motion detectors here!

The community bulletin board probably hung there on the wall. The darker cream color is left over for the 80's paint job. The walls were painted white for the Convenience Store look of the late 90's.

The community bulletin board probably hung there on the wall. The darker cream color is left over for the 80's paint job. The walls were painted white for the Convenience Store look of the late 90's.

Full service Seafood was added next to the Deli in the 80's. Removed from nearly all 80's remodels in the 90's.

I believe the section with all white tiles was where an additional register was located. The 80's "CSR" stand and store safe were located at this end of the registers, practically IN the Produce Department. The CSR stands were a dreadful, misguided replacement of the traditional Customer Service Office. Took Acme many years to come to it's senses and eliminate them. The store safe was also moved off of the sales floor to a more guarded location.