Monday, March 2, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new... Part 2

Location: 3428 Simpson Avenue, Ocean City NJ

Check out this Acme in Ocean City NJ! It started out as a pitched roof building which had a huge addition added at some point. Looks like the addition swallowed the old store! So much to discover on Live Maps when researching old Acmes. What would I do without it?

Update 4.6.09: I found a picture of this store from street level. Turns out the pitched-roof is still intact on the inside of the store. No drop ceiling put in. You can see the lights lining the ceiling. Most pitched-roof stores that have been expanded have a ceiling put in that lines up with the ceiling in the addition. And the stores facades are usually built up to cover the the old half of the store. Thankfully that was not done at this store!

Update 7.15.09: Ocean City NJ is preparing for Acme to close the 34th Street store. The township is reconfiguring the entrance and exit to better accommodate future tenants. Zoning rules are also being changed to prevent a gas station... mainly Wawa... from moving in. Acme denies having any plans to close this store and is already in the process of remodeling this location. The township however, is certain the new ShopRite opening on the mainland will finish off this store for good.


  1. Don't bet on Acme closing this location anytime in the near future. Shoprite or not, their sales are great in the summer and like any other shore store in the winter.

  2. I used to go to this Acme all the time as a kid before it was remodelled. It was so old-school. They added the addition but kept the inside the same with the huge pitched ceiling. The new section and the old section flow perfectly, and it's actually a very nice store to shop in.

  3. No way will acme ever close this store and if for some reason some company idiot does decide to close let me know cause i want to try and get him fired!!
