Friday, May 18, 2018

Dover Safeway welcomes Acme Shoppers!

Photo above courtesy of Marv

Location: 190 John Hunn Brown Rd, Dover, DE

Signs are up at the Dover Safeway welcoming Acme shoppers as the Dover location winds down. Marv will be getting us some photos of the store in its final days. You can check out some interior photos of the Safeway by clicking here. 

P.S.: Store posts will resume next week. An unexpected busy spell at work and an even more unexpected nasty cold has kept me from working on the blog for the past two weeks. 


  1. Being that prices are higher on a lot of things at Safeway vs. Acme (at least that was my observation) are shoppers just going to go elsewhere?

    1. I can't imagine a store having prices that are even higher than Acme.

    2. I thought the prices in those Safeway photos looked a little high.

  2. I honestly wonder if they may someday "rebrand" this store as ACME.

  3. I would say it’s safe to say both Safeway and Acme are in the same tier of regular shelf prices.

    1. Wasn't the case for a particular deli meat. $7.99/lb at Acme (not on sale) vs. $9.99/lb at Safeway. Identical store-brand product. A few of the others that I remembered also had similar disparities.

    2. ACTUALLY,If you pay attention To weekly ads, Acme is super aggressive .Safeway ads have the same items in them, but are much higher then Acmes and every other chain in the market. Safeways shelf prices,in all areas are higher then Acme. Acnes Market plan is to run Super aggressive ads,wjth sharp retails on meat, shrimp, king Crab,Ice Cream, Grocery feature prices. Some chains run lower everyday prices and rotten ads.Then there is Safeway who has rotten ads and high shelf prices.

    3. Actually, many of those Dover cudtomers tgst live in the nirthern portion of Diver will travel a few miles North to the Smyrna Acme,a busy store. Albertsons hopes that that live south of the city,will be oucked up by Safeway.Tgese are customers that know that Acme and Safeway carry meat a full grade better then Redners, Foodlion , Shop Rite or Walmart. IF both store pick up 75 percent what Diver was doing, then clossing thst syore makes perfect sense.

    4. Gerald how do you know so much about Dover? Do you live in that area?

    5. Ok. Well I’ve lived in Camden for 42 years. Dover has been a challenging market for years. Acme has done little to try and turn itself around for years. The store in Dover has been run down and disgusting for a long while. Smyrna isnt much better. How the Safeway here stays alive besides being open 24 hours alive and attracts the college kids is beyond me. It needs a drastic spruce up.

      Smyrna on the other hand isn’t much better. As for the comment about where people will go. It most likely will be to Redner’s. Redner’s has been stepping up their game bringing more organic and higher quality deli meats in. Not to mention they carry the same SuperValu brands Acme did for years before bringing that Overpriced Safeway brand stuff in. Bottom line.

      Albertsons owns the Safeway building which will play in their favor for a while. Doesn’t cost them monthly rent like Acme did.

    6. REDNERS Beef is ine full grade bellow Acme and Safeway. Most of it is sourced from Mexico and Canada .Their meat retails are higher then Acme, and on par with Safeway. They run an ad program that Acme beats every week, with retails that would make Safeway look competitive with. The Acme in Smyrna wS refreshed three years ago and extended ten years ago.

    7. Gee, The Acme in Smyrna abd Diver is disgusting? I am guessing that you shop at Redners Here is sime inside information, Redners uses high gloss floor wax , and extremly bright lights to give the illusion of cleanliness . Thus is a trick that comes out of the 70s. ACME abd most chains have done a wat with this to conserve energy and reduce the largest cost ,that a supermarket has. This has to be made up with, things like a lower grade of meat and higher retails in their ads. Acme runs clean stores

  4. How long until they close that Safeway in Wilmington that's right across the street from Acme?

    1. I've visited both of these stores, and it's my opinion they are co-existing quite nicely. Stranger things have happened.

    2. The Safeway does less tben half of what Acme does. But it does serve a purpose, it keeps a competitor from opening up across the street from Acme . Remember, they have stores on silverside, and also in Fairfax. A SECOND Shop Rite would kill all of them.

  5. This is the 1000th post on Acme Style!

    1. Oops! I should have been paying more attention so the 1,000th post could have been a bit more positive.

  6. On the bright side, VERY slowly the transition to the remodel at Phoenixville has started. They have applied for the state liquor license, a new time clock for employees, and ONE new computer system at the far register with a sign “do not use” hanging over it.
