Monday, December 31, 2018


As most of you know, I announced at the beginning of 2018 that this would be the final year for the blog. My intention at the time was to go out with a bang by having a year chock full of big posts. Unfortunately, that was not meant to be. By May, I was already beginning to move on to some new projects and interests and just couldn't seem to get back to the blog despite several attempts. I have also been busy plotting a major a career change which will be taking all of my free time and energy in 2019.

I am not sure of the future of Acme Style at this point. My plan to move operations over to flickr is currently on hold. After 10 years of running the blog, I've realized I need a complete break in order to pursue some others things in life.

I truly appreciate all of the support and assistance I have had from so many of you over the years. The blog never would have lasted this long without all of you joining in on the fun!

Friday, December 21, 2018

All good things must come to an end...

Location: 80 Pemberton Browns Mills Road, Browns Mills NJ

After years of sitting abandoned, the former Brown Mills Acme has met it demise. While this store was absolutely despised by the people of Brown Mills (and rightfully so as it became a horrendous  eye sore), it has always been the biggest attraction in the history of Acme Style! 

Photos were sent in from several people visiting the site during demolition. Steve G even got some photos from the rear of the building confirming the survival of the psychedelic Acme sign facing the inside of the store! 

The Brown Mills Shopping Center has had an interesting history which has been fully detailed

Here is is!  I don't even want to think about those tiles getting thrown into the dump.

For past coverage of the Brown Mills Acme, please click here.

This will be the last post for Acme Style. Official closing announcement will go up on the blog next Friday.