Monday, February 26, 2018

Is the Snyder Place store struggling?

Photos courtesy of John P

Location: Front and Snyder, Philadelphia, PA
Opened September 8, 2017

I've seen comments on various sites claiming the Snyder Plaza Acme is performing well below expectations. I wouldn't normally pass on such claims but I have been wondering about the store myself and can't find any information to the contrary. Every picture I've seen of the interior shows a beautiful store completely void of any shoppers. Just curios to hear from anyone in the area who may have been to the store. Is ShopRite's replacement store in Whitman Plaza too much for the brand-new shiny Acme to take on?

P.S.: Does anyone know the store number for this location? I would like to add it to the blog's running store list. My previous source of store numbers is no longer available. 


  1. Only 2 YELP [4star] reviews from Sept 2017, 4 days apart, nothing else.

    1. 27 reviews on google with a solid 4 star rating. Plenty of bad reviews mixed in though regarding prices, which is always to be expected.

  2. The review 'counts' may be down; but I think this store is doing well. Many have been posting videos of a tour online, and from what I've seen, the store is always busy. It may be bringing over the older generation of ShopRite shoppers, which is probably why you might not be seeing as many reviews. (I'm not trying to be ageist here; but it's mostly true)

    I cannot find a store number for Snyder yet; but I'll do the research. Trust me, I'll find it.

    1. You can find in on the "Oeder Cakes and Deli Trays" page. Store number is #2271

    2. Mike, you're actually wrong. It's 2771. I looked on there myself. For a minute I thought I was wrong-- I had gotten my store number from a third party.

    3. You're right. I typed the wrong number. The store numbers are in the http address of the Order Cakes and Deli Trays section of Acme's website

    4. Thanks! The store list has been updated.

    5. And I'm not concluding that the store isn't doing well due to the low number of reviews out there. The question in this post was based on several comments on websites, including the google reviews, that the store is preforming far below expectations.

  3. Also (Don't know why I didn't include this on my last comment...) do you use a pay source for your store numbers/records? I found a large list of A&P stores for $100 on this site... I forget what it's called. It's way too much for what it is!

    Also, #2771 is the number of the store, according to this Linkedin Page.

  4. It's a beautiful store. The newly remolded Target across the street may not be helping matters either. The only time I've been at this store, it was early in the morning, so I can't comment on how busy it was.

  5. There is a Walmart SuperCenter only a few blocks from this stire on columbus blvd, built on a pier, across from an empty Super Fresh. Its a high volume store. It is my understanding that the Acme does a big meat and oerushable business. Possibly because Walmarts meat and produce is junk.

  6. It honestly surprised me that they would open a store in that location. It's practically next door to a ShopRite that looks to always be crowded. Is Acme ever going to learn that people are not going to choose a much more expensive store just because it's nicer?

    1. Especially in this neighborhood....the South Philly neighborhood around this store is a working-class area which cannot afford the sorts of prices that Acme charges. Still, with the 3 former large supermarkets (SuperFresh, Pathmark, ShopRite) down to just ShopRite, plus the loss of Save-A-Lot, maybe Acme figured there was room for them.

      There is good population density in the area and I remember that when I lived in Center City, we would come all the way down to this area to shop at SuperFresh simply because there weren’t large grocery options in my neighborhood....but that was 10 years ago and now the grocery options in Center City and the surrounding neighborhoods are numerous.

    2. Same here. While I applaud Acme for going after a ShopRite's business, they traditionally retreat from those situations. This time they opened a store in a former ShopRite when the ShopRite moved to a bigger, better location? Makes little sense to me.

    3. I've been in that ShopRite. They did the least amount of work possible in converting it over from Pathmark. With that said, if I lived in the immediate area, that's where I'd be shopping. Acme really needs to realize that their success is really just going to be in areas where there is not a lot of competition.

    4. Too bad Acme didn't beat ShopRite to the old Pathmark.

    5. What I've been told was the former Pathmark building needed an LOT of work done on it. I guess Shoprite was willing to take it on. BTW that store was gutted to the bare shell and rebuilt, a whole new store in the old "box". Havn't been there for a while but I always liked it there, not a bad word to say about the place....unlike the dumpy store at 23rd and Oregon, but that's a whole different story....

  7. How long is it going to take Acme to figure out that their high pricing is killing them? They are already getting crushed by Giant and Wegmans in the suburbs, and the only stores that seem to do well overall are ones without any competition nearby.

  8. Yeah but ACME has a difficult time servicing the customers they have now. Imagine if they lowered prices to compete with Giant and Wegmans... it wouldn’t be long before those customers were ticked off from only having 2 registers open and they’d go back to where they were shopping. Plus, how many times has ACME used the “new lower prices” scam only to raise the prices back to normal a few months later? Nobody believes them when they advertise low prices. I was in the Chester Springs store on Sunday with my mom who lives in Northern PA, and she couldn’t believe some of the prices. I said “yup, welcome to Acme” haha. Probably wouldn’t be so bad if the Signature brand items were better priced. When the generic is only a few cents less when compared to the brand name items, little incentive to try the house brand.

    1. Mike,The answer is thar Acne counts on Walmart customers, purchasing their dry groceries and going to Acme that has the best meat in the market, tk purchase their perishables at Acme. You make your money in this business on meat,produce and other fresh departments. The margins are much higher a d your .oney is tied up for only three or four days. That is why Acme can survive and make money
      Yiu can literaly do a million dollars a week and at the end of the day not make a dime in this business.

    2. For most of the people in that area, I would imagine people do not factor in the quality of the meat. They are shopping only on price, and Acme is in third place in a two-horse race.

  9. I've been to this store (or at least by it on my way to Target) at least once a week. Seems like it gets a decent amount of traffic. The associates I dealt with were always friendly and I saw enough registers open (plus self checkout) every time

  10. I was here this afternoon , and am pleased to report it was PACKED! Granted, it was a Saturday afternoon, but it's a good sign nonetheless.

  11. FWIW, Acme was just voted best supermarket in the South Philly Review readers choice poll. They took out an ad in that paper thanking customers and it lists all four locations including Snyder
