Monday, December 7, 2015

Signs are up at Ortley Beach Acme!

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ
Photos courtesy of Dan Asnis' flickr collection

Location: 5 Ortley Plaza, Ortley Beach, NJ

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ
The temporary banner has been taken down and the permanent sign has been installed! The former A&P sign is still just covered over.

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ
Interesting green stripe along the side. Leftover over from the "Sav-a-center" days?

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ
Hmmmm... ACME is not centered on the building.

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ

Acme/Former A&P Ortley Beach, NJ
Started off as an Acme sign in 1959, switched to A&P sometime in the 80s and BACK to Acme in 2015!

For full coverage of the Ortley Beach store, please click here.


  1. I'm a little OCD. Why the heck isn't the ACME sign centered on the store? Why do you suppose they would hang it so off center?

    1. Since it's above the old logo, it's most likely where the existing electrical wiring was; that was the place that required the least amount of effort to plug it in.

  2. That tiny sign looks silly on top of that big sign holder. It looks like it was meant to hold a big sign in the upper third (it is boxed in). Acme should have went big on that sign instead of using the old A&P signholder.

  3. I wonder of at some of the newly-converted stores Acme is doing minimal work to the exterior for the moment because they intend to do more extensive remodeling at a later date.

  4. The other day when I was driving over the bridge to go to my new Acme, I could see the sign from a far distance. When I got closer and saw that the Acme letters were back in their original the risk of sounding corny, I almost broke into tears. I have pics of the A&P on there still, if anyone is interested.

  5. I haven't seen that many shelf tags since A&P in the 1980s.

  6. If I remember correctly shopping there as a kid when we were on vacation, the sign tower had the typical Acme Markets 50's/60's era logo with the white letters on the blue background. I believe it took up the space between the top 2 crossbeams. It was visible for a long distance. Wish I had some pictures of the sign and the old building before it was demolished.

    1. I imagine the sign back in the day must have looked a little like this one from the abandoned Egg Harbor City location.

  7. You're probably right about that. I wish Acme would do a little more with these exteriors, especially if a remodel isn't happening in the immediate future. It's been almost a year, now the honeymoon is kinda over.
