Friday, April 6, 2018

Exterior renovations underway at...


Location: 507 Prospect Ave, Little Silver, NJ

Quick post today showing some changes happening to the Little Silver and Fair Haven stores. So far, changes are happening just to the exterior of the Little Silver store. The landlord is renovating the whole strip mall with the Acme coincidently taking on a similar look to other upgrade Jersey Shore stores. For a rendering of the finished project, please click here. Could an interior remodel be far behind? Probably not. I think one would have been started by now to assure its completion for the summer season. 

"Before" photo courtesy of dougbalt

Location: 576 River Rd, Fair Haven, NJ

The strip mall where the Fair Haven store is located is being renovated as well. The work has not yet extended to the Acme. Our contributor will keep an eye on the situation to see what develops.


  1. Glad to see they're finally Getting to Fair Haven! That store has needed a new look since whatever happened during that last misguided remodel.

    1. Misguided? I thought nit was a nice store when I first checked it out about five years ago. Why do you feel it was misguided?

      Now it's looking old and worn, so it could benefit from a new look, but if that were to happen I see it being a decor swap and not a full-scale rework of what's already in place.

    2. I guess I could have phrased that better. The inside was actually pretty nice. I'm petty sure they redid the exterior around the same time, which is what I was referring to as misguided. They took the 70's metal awnings and replaced it with basically a stucco box.

    3. That makes sense. I agree the exterior is underwhelming. I wonder how much say Acme had in the look. Was the company uninspired or the landlord?

  2. According to articles I found online, the new owners of the Fair Haven strip mall kicked out some long-time tenants but Acme seems to have signed a long-term lease. The company probably loves these two locations, as both are very close to wealthy residents of Red Bank and Rumson (and even Fair Haven) that couldn't be bothered with the large ShopRites and more "blue collar" Foodtowns in the area. These stores remind me of Kings in northern NJ- small, old buildings that have large grand aisles that leave room for only a few grocery aisles. I imagine the lease terms are favorable.

  3. The Acme in Little Silver is NOT being renovated to the current shore stores. The center came up with their own design. You can see it here. The windows have a resemblance of the shore stores, but the owners of the shopping center came up with their own design.

    1. I didn't mean to imply that Acme was renovating the exterior to match their other Jersey Shore stores but I totally did. I updated the copy to make that more clear. Not sure that rendering is showing much of an improvement over the old exterior!

    2. I have to agree with the exterior plans... the landlord of the center was probably thinking to do it on the cheap. Compare to Lawrenceville's and Fair Haven's plans... far superior!

  4. Nice seeing a Centennial redone without being destroyed.

    1. You're right! The general structure is still there, so it's more of a modernization than a total redo.

  5. I haven't been to Little Silver since before Acme took over. Have any changes been made inside? That was always such an odd A&P to me, I'm just curious.

    1. Check back next Friday for full coverage of the store.
