Friday, December 1, 2017

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  1. I wonder when will Acme bring back its store brand products ?

    1. It's unlikely that there will be a revert to "Acme" branded items. Within the umbrella of Albertson's including Acme and Safeway. The switch to the Signature Select brand (formerly Safeway Select) is likely permanent. It allows a cost savings to produce the single line of products for all stores.

  2. I found something interesting on the A&P Fresh v1.0 decor... the large pictures of produce are NOT Canvas, as many of us thought. They are just cardboard boxes with no top! Who would've thought? I'm surprised they aren't popping up all over eBay yet!

  3. 5 self check outs back in Brewster and the store looked like a hot mess. Six regular registers left now. I also heard a serious rumor that ACME was going to unload their Connecticut stores.

    1. Would unloading the Connecticut stores be potentially problematic given the union issues at play? I remember that being the main reason for the wonderful abortion known as Fresh & Green's that arose from most of the MD/DC ex-Superfresh locations.

      If unions weren't a concern, those locations would scream Big Y as it would get them into a new corner of Fairfield County.

    2. Unions aren't a problem, it is poor management that is.Fresh and Greens that failed in the Baltimore Easten Shore area failed because their management had shakey finances and failed to establish any kind if identity. Their perishable s we're second rate, way behind Acme, Giant and Safeway. The Union had very little to do with it.

    3. Perhaps not in that case, but they may very well have been in the original issues with A&P.

      Simply that, as they closed stores over the years those with more years at the company were able to move from closing stores to ones staying open, which over time left those still open stores with a higher cost to operate vs. other newer stores in the area.

      That extra cost was one thing that prevented them from being more competitively priced, which led to lower sales, more closings and kept repeating over time.

    4. Yes that's what all union contracts offer in this trade. Jeep in mind the older employees are better trained, can work independently, and often in many different departments.In shirt they are more productive then the econo clerks, that the older employees must help supervise. Poor management and layers if redundant management destroyed that chain.All of that management overhead is passed on to the individual stores bottom line as an expense. Acme for example runs their districts lean and mean in comparison to what A@P did.

  4. The Former A&P/Acme in Little Silver is getting a facade upgrade... photos of the store by Google Maps contributors show that the store is covered in Tyvek lining.

  5. The A&P Corporate Headquarters at 1 Paragon Drive is up for sale! For an exclusive look inside,
