Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Old School Acme Schedule!

Courtesy of John from WISL1480.com

Not sure when this "Personel Schedule" was phased out but it was used at my Acme into the 90's. I used to live or die by the this sheet of paper. Mostly die... never enough cashiers scheduled for my shifts and you could always count on one or two calling out.

Interesting information just in to Acme Style...

This type of paper schedule was around at least till early 2000's. Back in the day there was even a "purple" insert so that you could write the schedule and have a double copy by putting the purple sheet in between the copies of the schedule. I used to write the schedule that way. Around 1999 VLM (visual labor management) rolled out which basically linked the schedule with the time clock as well as automatically forecast your sales based on previous sales data as well other enhancements. Corporate management can also "dial" in to ensure that the store is in compliance with scheduling guidelines. This system is still in use today. In the beginning there was a lot of "schedule" writers that struggled with converting to VLM and some stores were still using both paper and VLM scheduling until early 2000's.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool... I wonder what store this is from!
