Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Acme – Montclair, New Jersey

Location: 510 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ

Some pictures have come in of the new Montclair store which opened on October 11. The store has the world's tiniest Acme sign, possibly due to new ordinances in the town restricting the size of store signage. Strange though how we only see this when it comes to supermarkets. You don't see any Targets or Walmarts around with tiny signs.

All new lighting in Produce! This store has the second version of the A&P fresh remodel.

Some A&Ps have this, some do not. Acme seems to be keeping them for now.

Whoever makes Acme's carts just got themselves a nice big order!

A couple of "before" pictures...

Another A&P that had evolved numerous times over the years.


  1. The lighting shown in the produce section of this store is the same as what Albertsons has put in Safeway stores in the DC area with the Lifestyle interior. The perimeter areas were very dark prior to the Albertsons buyout. The new lighting has brightened the stores and made them look more presentable.

  2. Acme has been recently getting all of their carts from Technibilt.

    Check out this Big Kmart with a little sign:

    1. Far cries from the days of sourcing used carts from Alpha-Beta for a east coast NJ Acme.

  3. Wow- that sign out front has to be even smaller than the one at the store in Media- the ex-Colonial Cottage one, not the one at the Granite Run Mall. It's comically small- why won't Montclair let them have a bigger sign?

  4. With the addition of all these locations up north, such as in Montclair, the Fair Haven one may no longer be the most upscale Acme.
