Friday, October 18, 2013

New Trucks for Acme!

Photos courtesy of trex354

The investments continue... Albertsons purchased several new trucks with the Acme logo proudly on display. No evidence of the logo returning to the trailers but trex will be sending in pictures if he spots any.


  1. did Albertsons buy the warehouse in Denver PA where the acme stuff was distributed from?

  2. Note that the"A" in ACME looks sightly pointier than it used to

  3. Seems to be a logo change... The "A" and the "M" both look pointier than usual. The "E" looks more conjested towards the top. Could it be?

  4. Can you visit the New Britain, Lansdale, and Doylestown Acme's? They all have the coolest interiors ever and the doylestown is located in a busy center with a weird look. You should look into it...maybe try this area out....

    1. Thanks for the tips! I was already eyeing Doylestown for a visit and will now bump it up to a top priority.

  5. Doylestown is a very nice store, and does a hell of a business. The Weis's next door to it is always dead and averages about 3-5 cars in their parking lot. But I would not make a special trip to go see the Lansdale store.

  6. I work for weis and I can tell you none of the old genuardis stores we acquired do much business!

  7. I really doubt that there is a "logo change" on the new tractor decals. The printer just made them what they ordered, ACME. Plane and simple. No legal changes.
