Thursday, November 3, 2011

A surprise return to the Clayton Acme!

Photos courtesy of John aka JSF0864 on Flickr

Well this was an unexpected arrival in Acme Style's inbox... pictures of one of the greatest and most classic Acmes still in existence . I have been hoping to get back here myself to put together a more extensive post than was originally done on the Clayton store back in Acme Style's early days. While those plans are still in the works, in the meantime we're being treated to spectacular photos that John took just this week. He  posted on his flickr photostream and kindly allowed me to post them here as well.  Please check out John's collections by clicking here for fascinating pictures and ads from such classic chains as Two Guys, Nichols, Kmart, Clover...  A&P/Super Fresh fans most definitely need to to click here

The ceiling inside is covered with plastic while work is being done on the roof. Creates a cool lighting effect in these photos. 

Fantastic shot of the interior sign. Hard to believe this sign is still going strong after 47 years!

This photo brilliantly captures the grandeur of the pitched-roof stores. Clayton remains the only structurally unaltered pitched-roof store in the entire chain. 

Thanks again to John for sharing these photos with us. You can visit his Clayton collection here and which includes additionally commentary for each photo. 


  1. Sweet! Man, every week there's a new surprise! Awesome!

  2. I'm so proud of this store for staying in business so long. I first discovered it in 2008 while on the way to Delaware. I was amazed, and immediately stopped to snap a few pictures of the exterior.

  3. I do love Acme surprises! Glad I can keep them coming.... thanks in large part to the generous contributors who help keep this blog well supplied.

  4. Spending most of my life in the South and West, I was amazed by how familiar but not familiar a lot of the retail in the Northeast was when I moved there. Acme, A&P, Food Fair, Penn Fruit, Bradlees, Caldor, Jamesway, Ames, Woolco, Grant City, JM Fields, Two Guys, Jefferson Ward, Clover, Hills, Zayre, Nichols, Murphy's Mart, King's, Korvettes, PA State Stores, and plenty of classic restaurant chains a la Howard Johnson's.

  5. I would love to see a picture of this store at night (same shot) with all the outside old school flourscent lights on. I work for ACME and it has been a long time since I have seen a store like this. All the stores are getting bigger and newer.

  6. I think that when the plastic sheet was put on the ceiling, the old produce lights were taken down, the plastic might be covering up insulation that was added, and they might put up tiles like they did in the ACME that was turnedinto a "big M". To me , I think that the store would look better without them, though, but imagine their heating bill.

  7. I wouldn't imagine heating would be a big concern. It's a small store and there's plenty of sunlight.
