Friday, June 17, 2011


First up... the Acme in Wayne Pa. You can visit the full post of this store by clicking here. The Wayne store closed earlier this year along with 5 other Acmes. The building is being subdivided into several restaurants and stores.


Photo courtesy of Greg Prichard

Gregg took this picture back in March where we see the 90's addition to the front getting wiped away. Plans for the building have been in the works for years. Sad to see this place finally go. Acme was apparently waiting to close Wayne until it could get the green light to build a new store in Bryn Mawr...

Check out this video of the tower coming down! It's a quickie. Blink and you'll miss it. Greg left a link to this video in the Bryn Mawr comments but it's so good it needed to be included in a post. The new store is set to open next March.


  1. The blog is one the most insane things I've ever seen on the internet.

  2. Thanks! You must be pretty new to the internet.

  3. P.S.

    I'd expect the tower to come down last...

  4. My family used the Rosemount Acme ( now a CVS) for years. Then I started using the Bryn Mawr one when I moved closer to it ...amazing how close they were. But they were built when many people walked to the store. Something I still get to enjoy

    Rosemont was quite small but had an impressive blue and cream enamel metal tower.

    A treat would be to go to the Wayne Acme as it was much bigger than our usual ones and had more features it seems to me. Sad to see it go. It was a huge retail draw for that area of Wayne

    Sad to see this go and it's sad for people who live near a store when it's closed.

    My husband and I now use the Roxborough Acme and wonder what is in store ( no pun intended) for that location and the others.

    I very much enjoy your blog. Thank you

    Happy Acme shopper since 1969

  5. I forgot to add the original Wayne Acme was in the town of Wayne itself( next to the Woolworth's) and the original Bryn Mawr Acme was in Bryn Mawr itself as well, next to the post office. It's now a bank and other retail stores.

    Amazing to think the Rosemount Acme was
    once thought of as the "big" Acme in its area

    These town locations are so small, people can't believe they once held grocery stores. But it has to be remembered these were Acmes in the days of perhaps 3-4 brands of soda pop, not 35-40...and that's just one item.

    One can see the same phnomanon in the Wawa stores as well. The older stores are just not big enough to contain the modern Wawa items for sale.

    Thanks again for your blog!
