Friday, June 17, 2011

Abandoned Acme! Feehold NJ Part 2

The abandoned Freehold Acme made it's first appearance on the blog back in March 2009. The store opened in February 2005 and closed less than two years later in November 2006 after failing to become profitable. The exterior of the store is one of Acme's nicest facades ever. The interior was the Albertson's Marketplace decor which you can see some hints of in the pictures below...

Interior photos courtesy of Andrew

The timing of these photos arriving in the Acme Style inbox is pretty crazy. I had already prepared the Millsboro post with a mention of Freehold as being another "crash and burn" location. Not a minute later did I discover that Andrew had sent these pictures of Freehold's interior. Back in 2009 when I was visiting this store, the building was crawling with people so I wasn't able to get any interior shots. 

The right half of the store has since become a Top Tomato gourmet Italian grocery store. The other half remains abandoned.You can see the frozen food aisles with the patterned tiles. Outlines of the checkout stands in front. Andrew reports that Top Tomato is using alot of the decor Acme left behind. 

Update 6.22.11: Tour Top Tomato! Michael from PA posted a link in the comments section to an extensive photo gallery of the Top Tomato store next door. I'm bumping it up to this update so no one misses out on it. Very cool! Click here to check it out. 



    Check out their photo gallery. these are of the freehold location, and the decor hasn't changed much. wonder how they got the same decor for the left hand wall which splits the building in half.

  2. Great find Michael! I went to their website to see of they had any photos of the store but didn't find any. Guess I didn't look hard enough. They did switch out all of Acme's department sign letters for a different style although the color is about the same. They also took some of the decor elements from the abandoned part of the store to go on the divider wall they put up.

  3. Top tomato W/ al's marketplace decor...AND A FOUNTAIN???
