Friday, January 14, 2011

Soon-to-be former Acme, Cinnaminson NJ

Location: 1105 Route 130 North, Cinnaminson, NJ

Not your typical looking grocery store. This is Acme's third hugely successful location in Cinnamison since the 50's. (Not sure if there were others predating the 50's era store.) Acme set up shop here in the late 90's, retrofitting an abandoned mall into a most unique supermarket. The arrival of a brand new ShopRite two years ago proved to be a devastating blow as Acme has seen a majority of it's business disappear. Ironically, ShopRite built it's new store in the same shopping center where the two previous Acmes were located just two miles away.

The Cinnaminson store is one of the locations that sparked my interest in starting a historical Acme website many years ago. When searching the web back in the early 2000's for old Acme pictures and information (very little to be found in those days), the story of the Cinnaminson Mall... Acme's former home... came up quite often. It was difficult piecing together the information on what stores existed there and where exactly the Acme had relocated to. This, of course, was long before satellite images were available which would have instantly cleared up much of the confusion. Eventually I found photos of the old mall and news of it's planned redevelopment. Pictures of the Acme were still few and far between... until now. After years of trying to visualize this store and the evolution of the Cinnaminson Acme, I was able to finally pay it a visit back in June.

Acme left it's former home in the Cinnaminson Mall (now called "The Shoppes of Cinnaminson") and moved to what I believe was called the "Clover Mall". The Clover Department Store located there closed in the mid 90's and was replaced by Ames which abandoned the location a few years later when the chain went under. VF Outlet then opened in the building but has since closed as well leaving the Acme as the only major tennet. Plans underway to redevelop the shopping center although I was not able to find any specifics other than a Sonic being built in a portion of the parking lot. 

Back in the mid to late 90's, Acme moved into the portion of the property that was origianlly an enclosed mall next to Clover. You can see the mall-like set up in the photo above. The doors to the rear were an entrance to the mall and now lead to the Acme. Other store fronts, many of which are abandoned, can be seen on either side of the main entrance as well as inside the entrance. 

Cart corral prior to entering the Acme.

And in we go! 

Looking out into the store from Produce. When touring the store, you can instantly see many leftovers from the original 90's Red/White/Blue decor package. Overall, very little decor was put into the store in favor of allowing the architecture to create the store's atmosphere. The 90's department signs have since been replaced with the "Albertsons Marketplace" signage. The hanging lights in Produce and over the checkouts have had they're red/white/blue theme painted over in beige.

The picture above as well as many of the interior shots below were sent in by an Acme Style fan. I had a tough time getting interior shots as employees far outnumbered shoppers the Saturday morning of my visit. I abandoned my mission when a Meat Department employee saw me taking pictures.

Check out the 90's clock and floor tile. The wood paneled walls are quite beautifull and reminded me of Grand Union's 80's remodel. The most striking aspect of this store is the exposed wood beam ceiling and the windows along the raised section of the roof (referred to as clerestory) which allows natural light to flood the interior of the store.

Looking out from the Bakery...

The "a la carte station" was added in as an upgrade to help compete with ShopRite. It has since closed with it's prep areas disassembled.

Small seating area here which is not as common in Acmes as in other chains like Giant and Wegmans.

Looking down the center aisle that splits all the grocery aisles. Still a common feature in large Acmes but rarely seen in other chains.

Seafood and Deli line the rear of the store.

"Premium Fresh and Healthy" aisle markers and category signs have been added. 

Perhaps someone familiar with this location prior to it's Acme days can explain how the mall was set up. I would guess that the stores lined the permitter of the building with the center area below the clerestory section serving as a courtyard. You can see from the old satellite photos down below that there was parking and an entrance at the rear of the building. There is also another raised section with additional skylights in the back corner of the building.

The natural light in the building is definitely a nice change from fluorescent flooded stores.

Front end with the Pharmacy over to the right. 90's box lights still in place above the checkouts. Yep, hardly a soul here on a Saturday morning. I wound up leaving with a basket full of sale items which I was not expecting to find.

The Pharmacy side entrance and exit with an interesting water fountain in the corner...

Front window where employees look to have gotten a bit creative with the C and E. These windows do not look into the store and are remnants of the origianal mall stores.

Not sure how much work Acme put into the exterior, although the two arched areas were probably added on as they were common features in mid-90's styled Acmes.

Here you can see the clerestory that rises above the store. Skylights back in the right-hand corner appear to have been covered over. This is not the first mall that Acme has taken over, although it's certainly the most unique. Acme has also taken over a couple of former department stores.

Former mall parking to the rear now goes unused. The Acme does not have a rear entrance.

As I mentioned in a recent "News Break", has revamped it's service. Clickable thumbnail images are no longer available to be embedded in websites. Beginning with this post, I have switched to posting plain old screen grabs from the site which include watermarks. Regardless, these images still provide a wealth of information regarding the evolution of Acme locations.

Acme's parking lot filled to near capacity in the early 2000's.

Back when the Clover Mall was still a mall.

ShopRite opened in January 2009. Below is an image from Google Maps showing the completed shopping center.

For a more detailed view of the new shopping center,
visit The Shoppes of Cinnaminson.

 Bing Maps still shows the shopping under constrcuction.


The 70's era Acme is still standing here to the to far left.
The 50's era store is in front.



©Tom Asher
The old Cinnaminson Acme! This image comes from My request for permission to post images from this site have gone unanswered. The site hasn't been updated since 2003 so it may be as dead as the malls that are pictured on it. Check it out for yourself... there are fascinating pictures of  Caldor and the old Cinemas once located at the Cinnaminson Mall . 

 As of 1970, the Acme stands alone.


 No Acme in 1957... and once again, no Acme as of March 2011.


  1. aw...god this is bringing tears to my eyes. this is my baby...i can't believe supervalu is doing this to us. thank you so much for the post...this has affected so many people...not even just employees...we have customers that come in and tell us they've been crying about it even at home...

    1. I feel your pain, we just lost a genuardis and superfresh, which were among my favorite stores...

  2. There is still an Acme in Willingboro, which is the next town over from Cinnaminson.

  3. Anon1 I truly feel your pain. Its Truly sad to see Acme leave Cinnaminson after all these years. As Acmes go the interior helped make this store a true gem. Too bad this store is on its way out.

    Nintendo85 I believe that the Village Mall Acme in Willingboro was the "twin" of the 1970s Cinnaminson Mall store as both were complexes built/opened in conjunction with Woolco (FW Woolworth's 5 and 10 stores) discount department stores, after a 3 year vacancy. Both stores were gobbled by Caldor (1986) and both AFAIK closed with that chain 13 years later.
    It is odd to see seating areas at an Acme. Wegmans, numerous Giants and most newer Shoprites have seating and generous foodservice offerings. I'm sure they put a lot of money and effort into this store. Sad to see it die

  4. Great post on the Cinnaminson Acme. I remember shopping there when the mall was new. Seems to me many of the stores were vacant at grand opening and things went downhill from there. There was no "center court" but more like a racetrack layout with some stores along the perimeter and more in the middle, under the raised roof. There was also a small food court to the right rear of the mall.
    It's interesting to note that when the Clover in Cinnaminson first opened, the left side had a separate supermarket, operating under the Clover brand. This didn't last long. The Clover stores in Cherry Hill and in Morrisville, PA also had these same Clover supermarket sections which were converted to Acme stores after Clover got out of the grocery business but obviously Cinnimaonson alreadly had an Acme nearby. The grocery portion of the Cinnaminson store was later converted to Clover corporate offices.
    The mini-mall attached to the Cinnaminson Clover has an identical twin at Clover's Center Square store in Blue Bell, PA. They were developed by Rouse Corp. and both were called "Clover Square"--then later they were renamed "outlet square'.
    I have not been to the PA version but it has Kohl's in the Clover space and a Super Fresh in the mall space. The PA Clover Square is nearly identical in design to the one in Cinnaminson, including the raised roof in the center, from what I see on Google Earth.

  5. Wow I remember riding past where that Acme site in Willingboro when they were just about to break ground on it. shocked to know that its in such bad condition. Are there any other major grocery stores beside Acme still in Willingboro?

    is when they first That is true JSF0864 has ads of the original Clover supermarkets. Before Acme bought the non overlapping Clover Markets. the Clover stores groceries were supplied by Fleming Foods which also supplied Thriftway supermarkets (once a big rival) in the region.

  6. Incidentally, the third Clover Square (but one without a minimall) was in Hamilton, NJ near Trenton. It still operates under the same name even though Clover and later Ames are long gone. It's a shame to see the food court area light vents covered up, I thought they might have done something interesting with them.

  7. willingboro acme has a pathmark across the street, wallgreens next to it basically, dollar store in the plaza (these are all recent and built within the last 2-3 years), and the amish market in the former caldor shopping center which now the "revamped pennsauken mart"...where the old willingboro acme used to be. they also have a shoprite a mile down JFK, and an aldis about 2 miles away and a save-a-lot 2-3 miles up the road. it's always understaffed, and has an eerie boxy feeling to's been rumored for years it will close...but no one knows anything yet...the company refuses to basically tell employees anything, they would rather torture US and peoples livelihoods. they might just get what they want in the end. store count in 3-5 years: NONE. if someone doesn't buy this company out or even individually owned ACME stores would be better than nothing!

  8. they did re-arrange the pharmacy in willingboro similar the layout of the pharmacy they closed at whatever acme that was shown on blocks the view the way the aisles are set up now, when prior they were can not trust management with this comapany...after all, the good managers with experience are being fired left and right and replaced with cheaper 20 something year old kids basically...and to offer those cinnaminson employees stores totally out of 95% of the employees ways...what's that mean? they wanna shove em out the damn door and say bye bye! why does it got to be like that? what happened to good jobs and earning your salary and benefits based on experience...GREED!

  9. there already is a line up of employees ready to tell customers do NOT shop any supervalu owned company. because we are taking control now...they want to scare us and threaten us! laywerrrrrrrrrr...constitution, freedom of speech? where are they? they can't just "add" in laws saying we have no right to protest. the constitution says everyone has a right to peacefully protest...i hope moorestown is on the ball too.

  10. to the last person i am with you on that, BE-LIEVE me. we all had enough of this govt let alone our jobs walk all over us. they want to point the blame at us with these silly gimmicks and lies and games...only thing that seems unionized anymore is all of us getting together ourselves and "re-unioninizing"

  11. Feel free to use that pic, I never saw the emails. Might have gone to my AOL account which I don't check that often. The link points to the right place but you have it as "" instead of "". Love the site, keep up the good work.

  12. Thanks Tom! The link has been fixed.

  13. I had no idea there was a replacement store for the late 50's one- for some reason I suspected Acme went right from that to the current location that's about to close. Interesting to see the older building was left in place and repurposed when the new building was constructed in the 1970s. Most older stores were demolished when their "new" late 70's counterparts were constructed, like Bordentown and Morris Plains.

    The current Cinnaminson Acme looks nothing like anything else I've seen in the chain and it's a shame it's about to close. If I lived in that area, I would pick that store over the competition even if the prices were a bit higher because I assign value in shopping in a store that's warm and pleasant. I'd love to get there before it closes to see it in person.

  14. The original classic signature store opened in Cinnaminson in 1960 (May 4). It had the tall neon sign along Rt 130 which could be seen from the approach to the Tacony Palmyra bridge. I would guess that it was a replacement for a smaller store in Palmyra, but I never saw it. The replacement around 1975 looks loke a typical 33M store. The current store, soon to close, opened only 12 years ago in 1998 (Jan 30). At the opening the Cinnaminson mayor said, "Today is the first day of the rebirth of our community."
    It is a beautiful store, and a real shame to see it close, particularly if it is true that so many other Burlington County stores are doing less business than Cinnaminson.

  15. SO I actually decided to drive down and check this store out in person - VERY interesting how the entrance and front is done - it looks like they bought out all the storefront but have only been using them as storage. The A la carte area is nice as well. I love the wood paneling and the rafters - never seen that in any store. I hope it can be put to good use as there is unfortunately a lot of vacant retail, around, especially that huge Caldor.
    I also had to visit the ShopRite and the layout was a huge change from their current stores. The decor is MUCH better as well. A lot of local touches "Cinnaminson Ave Deli" added to the neat factor. Somewhat smaller than I expected but nice overall. Great exterior features too.

  16. Bill, this isn't the first time you mentioned "signature store" in one of your comments. What was the difference between a signature store and a non-signature store?

  17. get there now. i went today, pharmacy is already shut down...and barely any produce or bakery tables and silver screens covering empty spaces everywhere.

  18. I'd kill to know what this store looked like with the Red/White/Blue signage. The remodel is of very recent vintage - I've seen a few stores get the basic Marketplace repaints coupled with the Premium Fresh and Healthy aisle markers and signs.

    A shame this store is closing, when there are other far more dilapidated stores in the chain.

  19. wow they would close down a store looking as charming as that? f**k supervalu! never shopping any store owned by them again!!!

  20. may i also mention shoprites prices where the same on 90% of the items i purchased? some things where cheaper but their chicken, and meats are not as good...i'd rather pay a little more for a good meal. maybe i'm better off going anorexic and barely eating nothing but bagged lettuce.

  21. Its ashame soon there will be NO ACMES at all. They went dowm the tubes ever since the Great takeover from Albertsons.Used to be good company to work for not no more. Somebody should buy ACME and Keep it ACME. Yeah Dream on.... I know.

  22. Corprate America... The ACME Trucks dont even say ACME Anymore. That was a GREAT more..

  23. never shop acme people. screw them (unfortunate to say) thanks to supervalu. they depleted people of jobs and medical benefits (especially families with kids to support) by continuing to torture employees. don't shop any "nearby" locations even though they will push it. for the recent ones all i know is of willingboro and lenola road and maple shade. don't shop any of those stores!!! we will make it known!

  24. Is anyone around here getting a little sick of these Acme-bashing posts? I know I am. I understand some people are upset about having lost/on the verge of losing their jobs not to mention the events that led to that point, but I don't think this website- a place where the webmaster works hard to promote an environment to discuss former and current Acme STORES- is the proper forum in which to voice your displeasure over the company's failings. Besides, you former employees are basically telling people to stop shopping Acme and if you succeed, will result in even more people losing their jobs. Nice going. If you really want to do something worthwhile with your anger, why not write to a local paper? Or Super Valu? And I can't help but think your words would carry a lot more weight if you opted to use some real names instead of hiding behind the safety of the "anonymous" masses? Just some constructive criticism there, and a plea to stop poisoning the conversation around here. It's not fair to any of us who want to talk about Acme stores without having to tread through the waters of an angry ocean.

  25. i don't have an acccount, but i agree with the person above, but you do have to realize some people are in shock and scared, which i'm sure you understand...but i do agree it all has to tone down, and it will...and people have to let go of the past, and remember the good times at least. a lot of people are in the same boat...and i just went out and started to make the most positive of it now that i'm not going to let this destroy me...applied for a job, getting my resume made, keep applying, and true acme shoppers will still shop acmes regardless. i decided sitting around crying about it, and complaining and moaning is going to get me where? no where! what is done is one can change that. whether you believe in God or not, he has a plan for everyone...and what is meant to be will be. let's just celebrate these stores and all the employees support eachother and make the best of a worst situation. took me some time to come to that point, but i decided being negative anymore isn't going to solve a thing!

  26. Good point Rob. I do realize this is becoming a problem and am currently drawing up some commenting guidelines to make it clear what type of comments are not welcome on the blog. Purely negative comments will be deleted going forward.

    To Anonymous above... you don't need an account. You can type in any name you want. Just select the "Name/URL" above the "Anonymous" option. You can then type in a screen name. No account needed. No URL needed.

  27. Lets face facts...........Acme CAN'T compete with Shop rite. Its that simple....Acme's prices are higher and there is NO difference in quality. Where there is a Shop rite and an Acme close by, Acme is going to lose. I live in NJ and that is the sad fact. Soon Shop rite Walmart Wegman's and smaller discounters will be the only supermarkets left.............

  28. ^ Less competition is never good in the long run. NEVER! Let's hope that Shop Rite doesnt't become the only market around. Wegman's will not over-expand if they are smart.(IMO, Though Wegman's has a great variety of items, their prices are still around the same as Acme and A&P/Superfresh, maybe even a bit more. Go figure!) There are also a lot of people that hate Wal-Mart and will not shop there.

  29. well, funny thing is a lot of people who say they hate walmart shop there. not saying you above do, am not all implying that. but i see so many people shop there who say they hate them.

  30. i'm at a loss for words...such a once booming store victim to so much competition...i hope the save-a-lot rumor is not true, it's going to bring up camden and pennsauken (not saying everyone from there is trash!!! i got friends from there) but to cinnaminson, an upscale area...and i highly doubt it would be successful even then, because people in cinnaminson want upscale items and service, you won't get it from save-a-lot minimum wage employees. it will yet be another failure...they should have left this store alone and let dan sanders keep his word on no more store closings. but welcome to the world of retail! hoping for the best for acme! <3

  31. wow...all i can say is wow. a beautiful store...why one of the six is a mystery. a sad mistake...all they had to do was compete...cinnaminson is an upper-class area. no one wants to shop at shoprite, now being forced. so unfair...why close a pretty store with potential? no one will know why truly.

  32. No one wants to shop at ShopRite? Then why do they? The Cinnaminson store is closing because everyone left the Acme for the new ShopRite.

  33. i just personally think the new shoprite is too crazy, oversized and the majority of the employees there are rude...the acme attracted me because the people where nice, and the selection was a little better at least in the beginning, and it was a nice environment. hoping for the best for acme, i guess they gotta do what they gotta much competition in the area it's rediculous! walmart may as well add in a medical clinic while they are at it!

  34. i don't know where i will shop...i cry when i walk into the location near me, i just hide it well. nothing i want my store offered anyway...not even a salad bar. i hate shoprite, it's the same prices on almost EVERYTHING anyway, and less company brands. i will miss my cinnaminson acme so bad :( i hope and pray to God that a turn-a-round comes. i would cry joys of happiness forever if i was told tomorrow it was all a bad dream...but that would be so far fetched and in a perfect world.

  35. wow! This was our neighborhood Acme and we are very saddened that it is now closing.. We much preferred this Acme over the larger, cheaper Shop Rite down the street. I sincerely hope the best for Acmes wonderful employees.. Sad day folks..

  36. thanks to the commenter above, we hope the best for us too, it's been a very tough and trying time for us, (and so many other people affected by the economy) and appreciate the truly loyal customers...especially the ones who stuck with us to the end. we tried in all our power to do our best on our parts to keep this location opened, but unfortunately, it was out of our hands, or else we wouldn't have had was hard but i'm sure you understand even 20x as hard on us...most of us you may never see again...obviously referring customers to call and voice their opinions didn't mean a thing in the end. but thank you for your kind words. :) there's still lenola road...not sure how far it is from you, i know it is frusterating! i won't shop at shoprite either...too chaotic for me, i feel like i am at a mall! at acme i could get what i needed and get out usually! supervalu made a grave mistake here closing this location, take a look at newtown, they have genuardis or whatever it is a hop skip and away from them but do all this business? no clue. demographics? no idea! have a blessed day!

  37. wow. what where they smoking to close this store?! way to go supervalu or whoever. my mom has always shopped this store, even the old one! the people where friendly, the environment was warm and the store was not overwhelming!!! only on weekends. crazy choice of stores to close. me and my dad with alzheimers would walk this store some days when not shopping and talk! i can not do that with this shoprite down the street!

  38. if i was rich i would have bribed supervalu to pay whatever and own just this acme. what a dumb f****ng move, seriously. all of burlington/camden county is PISSED. they are really putting themselves in more debt, and with so many employees jobless hurting the economy more now, any existing acmes will suffer! you know every employee impacted to the point of being virtually forced to quit is going to bad mouth acme and supervalu SEVERELY! to whoever said supervalu stick your head in a tornado? and brainstorm in a different post, supervalu better do it quick. i agree with that post!

  39. so true. As I drive by here each day I remember moving here and how amazed how beautiful and different this Acme was.. And now its gone.. sad

  40. if they where smart they would bring it back...but they aren't. i don't have a college degree but can see all of supervalus flaws. their "retail" flaws are clear as day. they just don't taylor to the local areas. look at willingboro for example. one of the lowest income areas in south jersey and they think they will survive charging outrageous prices? they need a warehouse in PHILADELPHIA. not LANCASTER. especially with gas prices going up.

  41. they are just going to do what they do sorry to say to the person above, but supervalu shows acme no love. you just need to realize the corporations control and monopolize everything. try target or wawa...if you need a job. they are good companies although non-union. forget walmart though.

  42. def gonna be a SuperValu's Save-a-lot store.. On their store maps they have it posted but no info on when

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. To Anon above... store closings are not reported on the blog until they are announced publicly.

  45. i am still shocked this store was closed before a lot of others, especially now that the parking lot is jam packed again because of the new businesses. was supervalu informed before they made this choice? probably, but they probably "lost the information" just like they can't do anything right for acme or their employees and customers. yiyiyi!

  46. SuperValu is still very involved with this property and will be making their presence know shortly. It's just ACME that got the boot because SVU wants nothing to do with them anymore.

  47. having been an employee at this store, i now know what signs to look for in a store closure. it is actually SICKENING now that i have pieced most of it together. employees need to stop throwing fellow employees under the bus, and focus on being aware of what is going around them. time to find a new and stable job! bye bye acme, as long as supervalu has its uncaring grasp on this once great empire, there is no future.

  48. this really explains why they added those energy saving blinds in some stores. this also explains why some stores have elimated night crews (what grocery store has NO overnight stockers?) come on supervalu, we are not idiots. the store i worked at was busy and does not have them and neither does a lot of stores remaining i think they added them to stores that are closing eventually to conserve on costs until whatever supercrap does what they desire with acme! what a shame seriously! who can stop it? no one such a sad time right now for the company, all the more incentive to just move on and get a good stable job like i did, but i do love the fact the person in charge of the blog preserves the history of acme, no one else would put so much effort and realize how much it is appreciated! thank you! it is interesting to browse!

  49. that shopping center is haunted. it's on top of indian burial grounds. just saying!

  50. Hi everyone. I live in Palmyra,NJ, down in Palmyra harbour which is a mile from the Acme in Cinnaminson. I was just talking a friend of mine who works for Acme and he told that Acme might be coming back to the old Clover Square shopping center in Cinnaminson! I hope its true because I loved that Acme! It was the best. I shopped there till the final days and if does comeback, I will be there at the re grand opening!Lets hope its true that Cinnaminson Acme store#1161 is coming back. YEAH!!!

  51. They arent reopening it as an Acme. They are reopening it as a Save A Lot.

  52. i hope acme would come back whether it be in the old store or another location right near it. i HATE shoprite!!! i want to mow down the people in the aisles there and the people are so rude, including most the employees!

  53. Guys...I really liked (and miss this store) and was happy to see the post....but in all reality, no company is going to keep a store open just because of nostalgia. It's great that you liked to shop this store because your dad could wander the empty aisles or because it was never crowded, but that's precisely why stores like this can't last.
    I work in retail consulting, and the bottom line is that Albertsons and SuperValu have no clue how to sell stuff to people in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic; neither does Genuardi's/Safeway, which is why Ahold keeps gobbling those stores up. As for ShopRite/Wakefern, you may not like the stores because they are crowded, but...umm...hello! That is the sign of an incredibly well-run and successful organization and you can't hate a store for being successful. At the same time, ShopRite is a local, NJ-based company which is something Acme has not been for decades. It's obvious that even outside of NJ, ShopRite knows what it's doing (they just expanded into Maryland by Baltimore, where my girlfriend's family lives, as well as upstate New York) and it is already dominating there as well.

    I am very sorry for the loss of people's jobs, seniority and especially the loss of a community friend, as it seems this store was for years....but the Acme you loved for all those years is unfortunately not the Acme that exists today. It's a pretty sad state of affairs. RIP Cinamison and best of luck to all the associates.

  54. I live in Palmyra,NJ and always shopped at Cinnaminson Acme. I loved that Acme and miss it very much. I supported it till the end. I must agree with the above poster, I CAN’T STAND SHOPRITE down the road on Rte 130! First the quality of their produce and meats suck big time. Second, right after Acme closed, they jacked up their prices which are more expensive than Acme was.Third, inside its not as nice as Acme #1161 was. I remember all the people running to Shoprite when it first opened saying how great it was and they’re weren’t going back to Acme anymore and so on. Now that they jacked up their prices, these same people are now complaining and saying how much they miss Acme. I just tell them Why did you abandon Acme in the first place? Talk about drinking the Kool Aid. Wegman’s which is suppose to be an upscale store has good products,quality produce & meats and is cheaper than Shoprite. I wish it wasn’t 7 miles away in Cherry Hill because I would go there more often, the hell with Shoprite. The only good thing I can say is that Shoprite sells beer & booze and pretty soon Wegman’s Cherry Hill will have a liquor section

  55. Yo Tommy, I agree with you 100% (high five slap hands). My Aunt lives in Palmyra also plus I used to live there from 68-73 when I was a kid and I remember the original Acme on 130 and Cinnaminson Ave,which became a thrift shop,then the Acme behind it. I also remember Clover Square Mall which had that wood design then and it was nice and when Acme relocated there in the mid 90's. Acme #1161 was a nice store. As you said everyone ran to Shoprite when it opened saying how great it was and so on but soon when #1161 closed, they raised the prices and the produce & meats aren't the quality that #1161 had. My Aunt liked #1161 also and she doesn't like Shoprite either. When I take her shopping, we now go to Wegman's on 70 in Cherry Hill. They have good stuff and it is cheaper than Shoprite. If we don't feel like going that far, we'll just go to Acme on Lenola Rd which we have come to like now. The only time I'll go into Shoprite if I only need milk,OJ or if they have a sale on Coke or a few items on sale that I like or if I need beer & liquor.

  56. well the people kept complaining about the prices, and this, that and this is the end result for acme. it's being converted into a save-a-lot, which again really will end up a fluke for supervalu as they do not go by demographics, cinnaminson is upscale and i think most loyal customers are so pissed off they would not care to step foot in the building once it is re opened again.,

  57. Somebody has been working in the old store.I hope it is not going to be a Sav A Lot.They will never survive with the Bottom Dollar going in acrossed the street.

  58. i work for a local independent grocer chain, but i was in this store when my employer bought a few items to be used in his stores.

    what a really awesome design to begin with. the skylights and the general aura of the building were absolutely amazing. i got to walk through the "aisles", although they no longer had product on the shelves.

    the backroom was looooooong and narrow up until you came to the loading dock area, where the docks have hydro-electric loading plates and you just push a button so the loading plate rises automatically. i remember reading an Albertson's document on the wall describing the loading procedures and rules for the incoming trucks.

    our store (independent) is supplied by SuperValu, of course now an ACME supplier, but it felt different in this place. i felt a sense of "team", something i don't feel in my store.

    what an awesome looking store, from the skylights down to the floor space. i truly wish that this particular ACME stayed open because it was unique. the closest ACME to me was once a Jamesway (anybody remember that? AWESOME toy selection).

    i look forward to more blog reports. your website truly brings out what is happening in this economy.

  59. As a former Acme loyalist, I always shopped at. Acme in Cinnaminson. It was a great store,very nice. After it closed I started going to the Acme on Lenola Rd in Maple Shade. Over the last 2 years, Acme has gotten very expensive, $6.99 for a pack of bacon and $14.59 for a 3lb box of Dietz & Watson hot dogs is pricey. I started going to Wegmans in Cherry Hill and I must say its nice and the prices are great. I can get the bacon for $3.49 and the D&W hot dogs for $9.99. Thats big savings. Sorry Acme but you gotten way to expensive for me. I now have to go to Wegmans. Bye Acme, it was nice knowing you. :-(

  60. Gary,

    I must disagree with you about not going back to Acme. First let tell you I'm a proud member of IBEW 98 Local and I will always go to Acme to support my union brothers & sisters. I absolutely refuse to shop at Wegman's, Walmart because they are not union and I will not support any business that is not union. I wouldn't care if they were selling their stuff for almost nothing, I wouldnt go to Wegmans or Walmart. So you're paying $3.50 more for hot dogs and $2.50 more for bacon but so what? At least you're supporting union workers, not the scabs at the other above mentioned places.Tgings are looking down but now that Pres. Obama was re elected things are going to get much better for union workers and stop this war on union workers. Pres. Obama is the first Pres. we had who is a people's President, not a business Pres. that we had for the last 30 years. Yes I know Clinton was a democrat but he sided with big business back in the 90's which contributed to the mess Pres. Obama has to clean up. We haven't had a people's Pres. since Jimmy Carter. Hopefully I 've enlighted you and will go back to supporting Acme.

  61. rumor has it the new owners might be bringing this store (along with glassboro and others) back. let us hope and see for the best! the cinnaminson acme would not be a bad move as a lot of people are frustrated with shoprite anymore. as long as they compete for real they would do good.


  63. Oh My God. This Store Should Be The Acme-Style's All-Time Fav

    1. Nope, that title belongs to the Parkesburg store.

  64. I think the very first Acme in the Tri-boro (Palmyra, Riverton and Cinnaminson) area was in Palmyra, NJ and that store opened in the early 50's, that store is now "Angie's Shoe Shop" next to the Great Taste Chinese place. Very small Store and that probably explains why they might have moved to the U.S. 130 at Cinnaminson Ave. first location. I will see if I can get a picture for you.

    Also, I really hope that they reopen the Cinnaminson Location Soon...

    Finally the stores that remember in those 'tiny' storefronts next to ACME was Bros. Pizza, Elegant Lady, a locksmith shop, J. Martin Jewelry Store, Blockbuster Video and a small SEARS store where that paper ACME sign was. All shops have since left with Bros. Pizza being the last moving next to ShopRite and opening under "NICKS PIZZA & PASTA".

  65. Robert Dander, Proud Union Democrat.June 2, 2015 at 9:55 PM

    Proud member of the carpenters union in Philly. We got kicked out of the Convention Center because we fought and refused to give our pay and benefits that we are rightfully entitled to. We are fighting to get back in and will once Jim Kenney is elected mayor and old Nutter Butter is gone. Any working class person who is against unions,Obama,Hillary,Sanders and Democrats and vote for big business Republicans are completely off their rockers and need to taught a lesson.

    1. This is one of the reasons why there is so much anti union sentiment in this country today- you all sound insane. I have no problem with sticking by your fellow unionized employees but to refuse doing business with any that is non-union? Give me a break. This is the kind of crap that results in American companies sending production over to India and China, or collapsing altogether. The people working at non-union companies are people trying to make ends meet, just like you. Calling them scabs and declaring them not worthy of anyone's business makes you sound like the a-holes you've become in recent years. Stop blaming the Democrats for the nation's problems and look to yourselves as partially responsible. Unions are part of the reason why it's too expensive and too cumbersome to do business in America.

      Now I'll brace for the inevitable rant that I'm wrong and a Communist and China sympathizer...
