Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Acme Style Sneak Preview... NEW Decor!

A brand new look is going into the West Goshen store in Pennsylvania. The store is currently being remodeled and will be having it's Grand Reopening on July 9th. The Industrial Circus decor has been taken down and replaced with a new twist on the Premium Fresh and Healthy decor scheme. Interior pictures and news about West Goshen come to us courtesy of Michael of PA. He has been keeping me updated on the progress of the WG store. I was planning on doing a full post after the store was done but decided to get these interior shots up right away since this decor package is brand new.

The letters are painted on sheets of plastic that are mounted onto the wall. Same font used for the Premium Fresh and Healthy look. Cheaper though to paint them on plastic than to get custom made.

This decor package is a first for Acme. Stores have never had actual photography of food items mounted to the walls. These types of photos are being more often now in decor packages. A&P's second "Fresh" decor package relies exclusively on food photography. The departments don't even have names on the walls... the bright, bold photos tell the whole story for each section of the store. I am looking forward to getting back to the West Goshen store to see the overall effect of these photos. I stopped in this store on my trip to the abandoned West Chester store which is just on the other side of town.

Target uses a similar treatment of hanging photos of products from the ceiling just out a bit from the walls. Makes it easy to change the photos in the future to freshen the look of the store.

Notice anything different here? No Albertsons leaf! It usually appears in the upper left-hand corner of the aisle markers. Michael reports that there are currently no signs of the Albertsons leaf anywhere in the store. But with about 2 weeks yet to go before the grand opening... they still have time to slap a couple leaves on the walls. Can't say I love the black being used on the signage. Most stores have the aisle markers in green or yellow but the black signs are certainly easier to read from a distance.

New treatment of the Savon Pharmacy sign.

A screen grab from Google Maps. Bing "Birds Eye View" not available for this area.

The West Goshen Shopping Center. Acme is in the lower left-hand corner. Kmart in the upper right-hand corner.

Here you can see the addition that was put on the store which I believe was done during the 80's remodel.

Check this out... there is an item on eBay from the West Goshen store. It's a letter from the manager announcing the 80's remodel. There is a floor plan on the back of the letter to show customers where everything will be located when the remodel is done. The addition to the store was probably put on during the 80's remodel. The current facade was most likely done sometime in the 90's. Interesting to note... the store had 20 aisles back in the 80's and it now has 19. One was probably lost to increase the Produce area. The person selling the item incorrectly advertises the letter as being from the 70's. I emailed the seller and explained that the logo on the letter is from the 80's and that the remodel occurred in the mid to late 80's. The seller did not update the information or respond to my email. I have purchased a few Acme related items on eBay... many of which can be seen here on the blog under the Memorabilia category... and I can tell you that the chances of this seller getting $39.99 for the item are slim. As great as the item is, I certainly would not pay that much.

Thanks to Michael from PA for his pictures and on-the-scene reporting from the West Goshen store!


  1. It looks second-rate compared to a place like Stop & Shop.

  2. The first chain I've seen do the photos hanging from tracks on the ceiling was CVS, who rolled it out to every greater Philly store in 2003. Since then they've gone to just one solid sign instead of multiple ones overlapping.

  3. This look isnt't the best ever but it sure beats Stop and Shop's new look. The purple and yellow combination makes for the most cold and uninviting atmosphere for a grocery store yet. And no matter how many hundreds of fruit bowl icons they slap up on the walls, the shelves, the checkout stands, signage, bags, etc... it's never going to be Target's target. Nice try but forget it.

  4. I do agree the new S&S decor is a downgrade compared to their decor they had "pre-fruit bowl," but to call it cold and uninviting is a little ridiculous. When I think cold and uninviting, I think Pathmark.

  5. Sorry... but yellow and purple everywhere is cold and uninviting to me. There's no differentiation in color schemes from department to department. The overall look has a discount store feel to it.

  6. My local S&S is mostly a nice shade of yellow with decent signage so I find it bright and cheery instead of cold and uninviting. However, I've been in larger S&S stores that have felt very cold and uninviting. They are usually the larger ones without ceiling panels and a hundred or so aisles.

    I'm not feeling the new Acme look. The plastic signs look very cheap and I'm sick of people thinking that lowercase fonts are trendy and upscale. I'm sure I need to see it in person but right now the new look seems to lack warmth and creativity.

  7. "I'm sure I need to see it in person but right now the new look seems to lack warmth and creativity."

    So, in other words, it's right up Supervalu's alley?
