Sunday, May 30, 2010

Acme 100th Anniversary Calendar

Close-ups of the coolest images throughout the calendar...


  1. I am so surprised that no one has even bothered to post a comment on this great post. (sorry for the redundancy.) This is a great find. I vaguely remember this calendar from 1991. thie was from the "glory days" when Acme was twice as big and far more dominant. It's sad that It couldn't keep itself on top. it seems like after 1995, when it spent money like crazy to open bigger superstores as Giant and others came in the chain seemed to go downhill. I wonder if Ac,e would be in a better pos\ition if they kept all their (profitable) neighborhood stores open as they, like A&P seem to have been so so in running megastores.

  2. Wow, what a find! It looks like lots of effort was put into this calendar.

  3. For all intents and purposes this blog is extraordinary and this entry is amazing. What a novelty item, it's literally an Acme art and history book. Incredible find and even more incredible scans. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

  4. You're welcome! It was a big project getting all the pieces scanned and readable but well worth it to be able to share all those classic images.
