Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Acme Style is back in business!

Hello Acme fans! Welcome back to Acme Style! I apologize for things being so quiet around here the past month. The holidays proved to be too busy for me to create new posts. I was, however, able to take a couple of road trips to photograph many Acme locations... some quite extraordinary locations that haven't been seen much, if at all, on the web. So rest assured... there's alot more to come!

Today just so happens to mark the 1 year anniversary of Acme Style! The perfect time to take a moment to thank everyone for their comments and emails. Many emails providing tons of information that have helped me immeasurably with this site. I especially appreciate all the enthusiasm people have expressed for my mission to preserve the history of Acme Markets!

So now onto the first post of 2010 which you will see down below. This post wraps up some unfinished business from 2009... the 4th and final store that Acme closed last February after SuperValu announced huge losses for 2008. The news of these 4 stores meeting their demise was the catalyst for this site. I had thought about doing some kind of Acme web site or blog for years but had never taken the plunge. When I read about these stores closing... especially the ancient store in Newton, New Jersey... I knew I had to start my mission once and for all. Coincidentally, SuperValu will reveal their 2009 numbers today which has me concerned that more Acme closures will be announced in the coming days or weeks. I truly hope that is not the case, but if more stores are closed you can count on Acme Style to preserve their memories.

Thanks again everyone for a great first year!


  1. Acme Style rocks my world! Good looking blog.

  2. I like food markets to! it's sad to see all the Acmes closeing :( Keep up all the good work! From the IGA man....
